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WOW Classic SOD: How To Defeat Azuregos Boss In Phase 4? - Locations & Strategies & Loot
Some time ago, World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery launched its Phase 4, in which Azuregos received a slight makeover. In Phase 4, Azuregos no longer appears in Azshara along with Lord Kazzak from Blasted Lands, but you can find him in the full Raid group in the new dungeon area of the zone.
Compared to other bosses, defeating Azuregos is relatively simple, as it does not have a one-shot mechanic that cannot be dispelled. However, you must not take it lightly, and you still need to follow this guide to learn some strategies for defeating Azuregos and understand his location. It will also introduce what loot you will get after defeating Azuregos. Come and check it out!
Azuregos Location
To find Azuregos, you and your raid group should first go to the southern center of the zone - Azshara. When you or your group arrive here, you will see a road heading northeast. Follow this road until you are directly above the central mountain range in the area.
At the top of the mountain, turn east carefully without falling off the cliff, then continue southeast to Azuregos.
For Alliance players, head directly to Talrendis Point southwest of Azshara. Then head northeast at the fork in the road. Be careful not to head southeast too early to find Azuregos, as there will be a Horde encampment in the mountain that will block your progress.
For Horde players, head directly to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale, then follow the road east to Azshara. Again, be careful of Alliance NPCs at Talrendis Point, which you can fight or bypass. Then continue northeast until you see a turning point and reach Azuregos.
Once you reach Azuregos, you will see a dungeon portal in this location. This does not require any actions or coordination to unlock. If you can’t find the portal, you can look for a set of pillars where the portal will be, surrounded by crystals. Once you enter the portal, mount your mount, and you and your group can explore the area. Of course, your ultimate goal is to find and defeat Azuregos.
How To Defeat Azuregos?
Azuregos is a raid boss in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Phase 4, so he has a variety of abilities that can make the fight a bit complicated. But don’t worry, you only need to focus on the most important ones.
Before you start the fight, you need to do some preparation. Drinking Frost Protection Potion will help you mitigate damage and let your tank build up Threat for a few seconds before you can rush into the fight. But during the fight, you also need to pay attention to three of his mechanics.
Its Teleport ability will teleport everyone on your team to Azuregos and reset your aggro. Once this happens, your team’s DPS and healers must keep Tank safe and ensure that it can build up aggro again. This allows your other classes to take other actions.
For Casters and Mana-users, you should pay close attention to Azuregos’ Manastorm AOE ability. Because this ability will quickly deplete your mana, make sure you have a safe mana range. If Azuregos also has Magic Reflection active, don’t fight him head-on, and don’t waste your mana here.
As for melee players, you just need to be careful to stay behind the boss, slightly to the left or right, but mostly on the side of Azuregos. This way you can avoid being hurt by Azuregos’ Frost Breath frontal cone and his Cleave attack.
As I just said, be sure to keep your Tank aggro high, and for each class you need to choose the most suitable strategy, so that this boss battle is relatively simple. Here I need to remind you that during the battle, if someone dies, Azuregos will not restore a lot of health. Or it will become unbearable after three minutes, just like Lord Kazzak.
Azuregos’s Loot
In Phase 4, after you defeat Azuregos, you will get 11 rewards and a bunch of SOD Gold. They will drop from Azuregos as loot at different stages of the battle.
Most of these items are for different classes, but are more useful for caster and ranged classes. For example, Mature Blue Dragon Sinew gives you a quiver with lots of arrows, and Mage’s Cold Snap wand gives you super high damage.
But melee players don’t have to worry too much. You can find BiS cloaks and Puissant Capes suitable for many classes. In addition, you can also find an excellent two-handed sword called Typhoon.
The loot will scale with the size of your group, so if you only use 20 players to fight Azuregos, you will encounter less competition in terms of loot distribution. But there are two sides to every coin, so your fight will become a little more difficult.
In the World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Phase 4, all World Bosses will reset twice each week. So if you don’t get the loot you want in a group of 40 people, you can try again.
That’s all you need to know before fighting Azuregos in WOW Classic SOD Phase 4. I hope this guide can be seen by you and helpful before you fight. Have fun playing on Phase 4!

WOW Classic SOD: How To Unlock Upper Blackrock Spire In Phase 4? - Locations & Tips
In WoW SoD Phase 4, Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) is one of several dungeons that players can explore after reaching level 60. Not only is this dungeon great for gear, but to access it, players must complete Upper Blackrock Spire Attunement quest chain to unlock the door to the second half of the massive Blackrock Spire dungeon.
In WoW SoD, Upper Blackrock Spire offers some of the best gear in Phase 4, both Pre-BiS and BiS. Also, playing dungeons like Upper Blackrock Spire is an integral part of many players’ progression to earn SoD Gold and valuable items, such as Pip’s Skinner, which is key to skinning Onyxia’s hide.
This guide will detail how to play Seal of Ascension quest, and tell you how to find Upper Blackrock Spire raid entrance in its associated dungeon, Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS).
Step-By-Step Attunement Process For Upper Blackrock Spire
In order to access Upper Blackrock Spire, you need to complete a quest called Seal of Ascension, which rewards Seal of Ascension, which is used to open the entrance to Upper Blackrock Spire. First, you need to find an NPC named Vaelan in LBRS and accept the quest from him to start Upper Blackrock Spire attunement.
Once you enter the dungeon, go up the stairs on the right and jump off the ledge to the southeast. Go through the gate on the east side and continue through Hordemar City until you see a stone ramp leading up to the left, behind the first group of monsters, near the candlesticks. Climbing this ramp, you will find Vaelan crouching on the edge, but he will not appear in his true form at first. In fact, he is disguised as a Scarshield Infiltrator, and only when you approach him will he transform and appear as a friendly quest NPC.
After accepting the quest, your next step is to go to LBRS and defeat three specific bosses to collect the gems they drop. Each gem has a 1 in 5 chance of being obtained from the corresponding boss.
Gemstone of Spirestone can be obtained from Highlord Omokk. Gemstone of Smolderthorn can be obtained from War Master Voone. Gemstone of Bloodaxe needs to be obtained from Overlord Wyrmthalak. In addition, you need to find an Unadorned Seal of Ascension, which has a slight chance of dropping from Dragonkin enemies in LBRS.
Once you have collected all four items, return to Vaelan, who will instruct you to go to Dustwallow Marsh to tame an elite dragon named Emberstrife. Instead of killing Emberstrife, weaken it and use Orb of Dragonic Energy to force it to produce Forged Seal of Ascension.
Return to LBRS and find Vaelan again, and give him Forged Seal of Ascension. Completing this quest will grant you Seal of Ascension Ring, which grants +10 Fire, Frost, and Nature resistance, and allows you to enter Upper Blackrock Spire.
Where To Find Upper Blackrock Spire Entrance In Lower Blackrock Spire?
The entrance to Upper Blackrock Spire is located inside Lower Blackrock Spire, similar to the entrance to Molten Core, which is in Blackrock Depths. To access Upper Blackrock Spire, you need to enter Lower Blackrock Spire and go up the left side of the first set of stairs. Next, turn left and you will see a locked door.
This door leads directly to Upper Blackrock Spire, but can only be opened by a player wearing Seal of Ascension, otherwise even a level 60 Rogue with maxed skills cannot unlock it. Once the door is opened, you and your group can enter the dungeon, and once inside, you can remove the ring and exchange it for your regular gear.
For players looking for a challenge and reward, this quest chain is a very worthwhile choice. Now that you have the key to access Upper Blackrock Spire, it’s time to embark on the journey!